This blog post showcases one section from my book Behind the Ritual Mask. These and other materials have also been recently published in the shorter book Contra Religion - Excerpts from the book Behind the Ritual Mask. The Suffering Savior Sources The Suffering Savior and its related concepts in mythology represent a broad spectrum of ancient cultural institutions and messages. The penis, the pillar (or the two pillars), the mountain of god, the magic mountain, the bull, etc., are only a few of the more primitive concepts that relate to the Suffering Savior paradigm. The early forms of this paradigm generally refer to male power, rising up in life, touching god (as with Prometheus), and later vanity, Prometheus fallen, punished and crucified for arrogance. Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis, Atlas, Hercules, Samson, Christ and a host of other suffering gods are related to this concept. Indeed, this is one of the most powerful paradigms because of its early (now forgotten) associat...